The essence of the Yoga of Patanjali

[ This is a summary of the practical instructions given on the practice of Yoga as taught by Master E.K and as understood by the author. Any commissions / commissions belong to the author alone. ] The practical steps involved in the practice of yoga according to the “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” have been hinted … Read more

Master C.V.V

What is death? What is immortality? Is the death of the physical body the end of life? What is the meaning of Moksha, that the scriptures speak of? An advertisement appeared in “The Hindu” newspaper in the year 1910. It was titled “Those who do not want to die may approach me”. Most dismissed it … Read more

The Zodiac and the Lord

The Zodiac is also called “pashu” in Sanskrit. Pashu means that which is tied or bound to a post. The Zodiac has been compared to a post or stake in the ground with several animals tied to it. The ancients say that the planetary mind of the Earth receives the changing shapes of the constellations, … Read more

Sarasvati: The Mother of Learning – I

The Rig Veda contains the mantras of Sarasvatī. The Veda is the voice of God i.e it contains knowledge in the form of eternal teachings. The Veda mantras related to the science of Mokṣa or liberation are contained in the Upaniṣads. The term “Upaniṣad” carries dual significance: it signifies the wisdom attained by sitting near … Read more

Ramayana and Sanatana Dharma

Sri Raamachandrah aashrita aaarijatahsamasta kalyaanagunaabhiraamah |seetaamukhaambhoruha chanchareekahnirantaram mangalamaathanothu ||””May Sri Ramachandra, the refuge, resembling the celestial Paarijata tree, delightful with all auspicious qualities, who is the reason for the delight on the face of Sita – continuously brings auspiciousness.”” The Vedas are the foundation of Bharat’s eternal culture and traditions. They are books of wisdom … Read more

Secrets of the Ramayana – Yagna

King Dasaratha was performing the Ashwamedha Yagya on the advice of the Rishis. Lord Narayana also decided to manifest on the Earth for the welfare of mankind. The Rithwiks (persons performing the yagya) gradually merged into One Spirit due to their energy and focus. This esoterically means that the light of their consciousness broke through … Read more

Sri Rāma – The Divine Avatāra

New races are created in every manvantara and the Supreme one descends as an avatara to grace and elevate these races. There is no end to these continual avataras. Meaning, the story of the Ramayana is repeated on a smaller scale with the descent of every soul into a human body. Suryanarayana, the lord residing … Read more

Meditation in 33 Degrees

 Meditation is a process of tuning the human constitution. The human constitution is composed of many vehicles such as the Etheric, Astral and Buddhic bodies which need to be tuned for optimal performance. In the modern age, life has become so fast paced especially in the towns and cities that stress and anxiety have become … Read more

Mūla Prakriti

The ancient Vedic seers realized the various cosmic powers responsible for the creative, expansive and destructive aspects of the universe and also revealed various spiritual practices which allow man to realize the highest goal of life. They described the Paramātma or the Supreme Self with various epithets such as “the highest”, “most powerful”, “all pervading”, … Read more


Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha || There are many mantras dedicated to various Dēvatās (deities) in the Veda. Those who do not fully understand the inner symbolism of the Vedic scriptures use this as an excuse to declare that the Veda teaches polytheism. The same Veda proclaims that there is only One Supreme Lordwho is immanent in … Read more