Master M.R.L

The term “Master” or “Madam” refers to an advanced spiritual being who has attained a high level of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom. These Masters, also known as “Mahatmas” or “Adepts,” are considered to be highly evolved individuals who have transcended the ordinary limitations of human existence. They possess deep knowledge of the mysteries of the universe and are believed to guide and assist humanity in its spiritual evolution.

Birth & Early Life

Sri M. Rajalakshmana Rao (M.R.L Rao), also fondly called Mastergaru by his followers, was born to Dr. M. Pratapa Rao, M.B.B.S and Smt. M. Adilakshmi in Bobbili, Andhra Pradesh in the year 1946. His mother was his first guru in Traditional Jyotisa (Indian Astrology) and he imbibed the basics at a very young age. He later continued the study of Astrology under his grandfather Sri Bheemalinga Swamy. He began learning Sanskrit at a tender age under Sri Nistala Sitarama Sastry. He was gifted with a sharp intellect and passed the Oriental Title examination in Sanskrit at only 13 years old.

He later joined the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering program at the Govt. Engineering College in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. However, he found his calling in life on meeting his Guru Sri. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K) when he was 25 years old. Gifted with an unshakeable faith in his Guru and a prodigious memory, Mastergaru studied a wide range of subjects under Master E.K’s tutelage including Vedic symbolism, rituals, Jyotisha, Homoeopathy, Yoga, Mantra Shastra, occult healing, spiritual symbolism and many other shastras.

Family Life & Sadhana

The Master was already well versed in traditional Nirvana Astrology by the time he came under the tutelage of Master E.K. He was aware of certain unfavorable combinations in his horoscope with regards to his marriage and that he would remain a bachelor in this life due to them. However, his Guru had other plans for him. Master M.R.L married Sri. Vanaja at the Guru Pooja celebrations with the blessings of Master E.K. Madam Sri. Vanaja (called “Madamgaru” by her well wishers) was also a disciple of Master E.K. Their wedding is a prime example of the grace of the Guru. Mastergaru often said that the grace of a Sadguru alone has the power to change a person’s destiny. Both bride and groom had unshakeable faith in Master E.K and as a consequence did not even ask to see each other before the actual wedding! The divine couple followed the path of the Master for the rest of their lives.

Under the guidance of Master E.K, Master M.R.L gradually imbibed the divine light of teachings of the Sanātana Dharma and this, coupled with an intense sadhana of the Divine Mother, and with the grace of the Guru eventually led to him being established in the state of the “Jivanmukta” spoken of in the scriptures. He often spoke reverentially about his Guru, his devotion and submission to Master E.K was absolute and he lived his entire life following in the footsteps of the Master. The words of Madame Blavatsky ensouled in her work, “The Golden Stairs” come to mind, he “led a clean life, (with) an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual perception and a brotherliness for all”.

A Spiritual Adept

Mastergaru was a Yogi and a Siddha (perfected one) of the highest order. Simply sitting in his presence would often lead people to experience the “no-mind” state of blissful self-awareness. There are many incidences of him helping and or healing people located hundreds and even thousands of miles from his residence. He was a prodigious healer and mystic and through the years, thousands of people with various ailments were cured by him. He always downplayed any miraculous events attributed to him and credit them to his Master or to the Divine Mother.

He gave mantra diksha to thousands of people through the years. He was one of the rare Sadhguru’s capable of granting the mahavedha diksha where the perfected Master enters the energy body of the prepared disciple thereby instantly propelling the advanced disciple into the state of samadhi. He often said that the greatest Gurudakshina a disciple can give to his Guru is to spread teachings of the Guru to others so others are benefitted. He would often say with great humility, “I have no disciples, we are all the disciples of Master E.K, he is the Great Light we follow.

Spiritual seekers in various stages of sadhana, monks, yogis and swami’s often approached him when they faced obstacles in their own spiritual pursuits. He would occultly “set things right” in his own way and send them on their way. These souls would sing his praises and inform his students about the depth of his realization and enormous siddhi. His students would report this to him which would often elicit a simple smile and nothing else.

A Treasurehouse of Knowledge

His mastery of Astrology and allied subjects was simply astonishing and he often demonstrated this mastery by the use of a variety of predictive systems from around the world depending on his mood. He would use Traditional Jyotisa, Prasna Sastra, I-Ching, Ramala, Sakuna Sastra, Palmistry, Angasamudrika sastra, Tarot etc. His predictions and advice were much sought after. He would make himself available to the general public on Sundays. His speed of reading and analysing a birth chart was a sight to behold and he would have all the planetary positions and combinations memorized after briefly glancing at a person’s horoscope. He prescribed mani (gemstone), mantra or aushada (medicine) depending on the need. When these remedies invariably worked, he would say, “the astrologer or healer should never feel proud that his remedy or suggestion worked, God sends the suffering person to the astrologer when that person’s karma is nearly exhausted so it is actually God working through the healer“. At the request of his international students, he travelled to Belgium, Singapore, the United States and a number of other countries spreading the message of Master E.K and gave talks on the ancient wisdom traditions, Yoga, Astrology, Healing Techniques and occult symbolism of the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma.

He also often said, “Do not trust people who make predictions based on intuition alone. Correct and dependable predictions are only made when the intuition corroborates what is visible in the horoscope. The science of Astrology was given to us by the Rishis“. He always avoided foretelling bad or unfortunate events in a person’s future and would offer them a solution instead. He encouraged positivity in thought and action and often reminded his students and those who approached him that negative thinking and speech often lead to negative consequences due to the accumulation of negative thought-forms.

He was always available to those who called upon him for help, everyone was always greeted with a smile full of grace. There was never any attempt at showmanship and people knew that if they needed him in a moment of crisis, he would be there for them.

A Master of Ritual

He was extremely precise when it came to conducting rituals especially during the Navaratri worship of the Divine Mother. There was a plan to be followed, everything had a place and everyone had their duties. The crowds would start coming in early in the morning and the intensity of the energy in the Yagasala (sacrificial area) would palpably increase as soon as he entered it. Hundreds of Chandi and other homās have been conducted in his presence over the years and thousands of people have been benefited. Barren couples begot children, job seekers found jobs, dull students passed exams, major accidents were averted with people escaped with minor scrapes, the sick got healed and many more. He often said the Divine Mother knew how to take care of her children very well and that one should not “suggest better things to God“. The Mother knows what to give us and when to do it. One kind word of reassurance from him often caused people to forget all about their hardships and they often experienced instant peace.

A Master of Service

He was a living example of the saying, “Service to man is service to God” and through the socio-spiritual organisation he established – MIHIRA, he constantly conducted and oversaw various charitable programs such as free medical aid, food donation drives and prosthetics distributions to the handicapped for over 30 years. These programs are still continuing with his grace and the efforts of his son Sri. M. Pradyumna.

A Master Teacher

He was an institution unto himself and an encyclopedia of occult wisdom. He taught everyone who asked for instruction or guidance without seeking anything in return. His lectures on Astrology, Bhagavata Purana, Bhagavad Gita, The Secret Doctrine of Madam Blavatsky, meditation, Numerology, Medical Astrology, Spiritual Astrology, Mantra Sastra etc. were always fascinating and eye opening. He was a natural teacher and public speaker and his charming manner and witty delivery won hearts and minds. He could easily hold the audience’s attention even when explaining abstruse topics such as Vedic or Puranic symbolism. There are thousands of people around the world who owe their knowledge of Astrology to him. His classes were always free and he would teach only when asked to. He would often say “I am ready to teach even if there is only one person interested in learning …”.

He could lecture for hours on extremely esoteric topics such as Spiritual Astrology and Vedic symbolism and he often had to limit the level of discussion based upon his audience. He kept his teachings to a level where a general audience would be able to grasp and make use of them. However, when the audience was comprised of scholars, his lectures would reach a sublime level of understanding and he would unravel many symbolic and spiritual secrets depending on the topic for his listeners.

A Divine Life

Master M.R.L shed his mortal coil in November 2018. He will always be remembered for the unconditional love and grace that flowed out of him irrespective of the person that approached him. He was the same with those who cheated him, those who derided him, those who praised him and those who were very dear to him. He was a multi-faceted being and everyone who knew him knows but a small part of the whole.

The Master taught the art of living a responsible, relaxed life in accordance with the values of the Sanatana Dharma. In the path of the Masters of Wisdom, he discouraged taking up sanyasa and running away into the moutains and forests to perform sadhana. He often said it was not the path of Master C.V.V who said, “The repair to the vehicle should be carried out while it is in operation“.

Further, was an enigma who appeared in many guises to many people depending on their state of receptivity. To some, he was an expert Astrologer; to others, a healer. To some, he was an encyclopedia of Vedic and occult knowledge; to others, just a friendly neighbour. And to some, he was a regular friend and guide who they turned to when in trouble. There were very few people who realized that he was a spiritual giant – he who has attained the highest state there is to attain while still living in a physical body, the state of a Jivanmukta.

The following verses from the Avadhūta Gita of Dattātrēya describes him perfectly to those who knew him:

kāmairahatadhīrdānto mṛduḥ śucirakiñcanaḥ /
anīho mitabhuk śāntaḥ sthiro maccharaṇo muniḥ //

“A sage is one whose intelligence is unsmitten by desires – who is self-controlled, gentle and pure – who possesses nothing, who is indifferent – who eats moderately – is quiet and steady and has taken refuge in me.”

apramatto gabhīrātmā dhṛtimān jitaṣaḍguṇaḥ /
amānī mānadaḥ kalpo maitraḥ kāruṇikaḥ kaviḥ //

“The sage is vigilant and resolute – has a profound mind and has conquered the six bondages; he is not proud, but gives honour to others; he is strong, friendly to all compassionate and wise.”

kṛpālurakṛtadrohastitikśuḥ sarvadehinām /
satyasāro\’navadyātmā samaḥ sarvopakārakaḥ //

“The sage is merciful, non-violent and enduring of all. He is pure hearted and is the essence of truth; he is the same to all and all-beneficent.”