Sarasvati: The Mother of Learning – I

The Rig Veda contains the mantras of Sarasvatī. The Veda is the voice of God i.e it contains knowledge in the form of eternal teachings. The Veda mantras related to the science of Mokṣa or liberation are contained in the Upaniṣads. The term “Upaniṣad” carries dual significance: it signifies the wisdom attained by sitting near the Guru and also that which leads one to mokṣavidyā (the science of liberation) and the Paramātma resulting in a state of steady contemplation.

The venerable Ṛṣis compiled these mantras into detailed manuals of worship for the enlightenment of spiritual seekers. The four Vedas have many such Upaniṣads associated with them. The “Sarasvatī Upaniṣad” is one such Upaniṣad associated with the Rig Veda. It contains details of the Puja (ritual method of worship), japa (method of chanting) and dhyana (form of meditation) to be followed to worship Sarasvati using the Sarasvati Sukta. Each mantra of the Saravati Sukta has been provided with its associated Ṛṣi (seer), chandas (meter), dhyana śloka (verse describing the form of the deity meant for visualization) and the fruit of worship.

Once, the Ṛṣis reached the abode of sage Ashvalāyana, worshipped him and said, “Great Lord! The Gayatri mantra begins with the word ‘tat’. The word ‘tat’ means ‘that’. Every object that we refer to with the words ‘this’ and ‘that’ are verily God himself. This identification should spontaneously arise in the mind when we hear the word ‘tat’. This knowledge is called “Jñāna” by elders such as yourself. May you instruct us in such a way that the pure light of Jñāna becomes firmly established in our minds. You are a knower of Tattva (the essence of all things). The word ‘tattva’ is composed of ‘tat + tvam’ or ‘that you are’.

We have sought the refuge of your lotus feet as you are the embodiment of ‘tat’ being referred to here. You are our Guru, and as the embodiment of the Parabrahma himself, may you please instruct us. We have heard that the great Muni’s of yore worshipped Saravati with the ten riks along with their shlokas and bija mantras and attained Moksha”.

The Rsis continued further, “O Lord among Rsis! What is the meditation method prescribed to us by which we may obtain the grace of Saravati?”. On being asked so, Sage Ashvalaayana began his exposition of the Sarasvati Sukta.

-To be continued….